El Ministerio de Educación de Brasil ha ultimado la compra de 90.000 ordenadores con Debian preinstalado preparado para ser utilizado en 9.000 escuelas brasileñas. Esta compra se completa con tarjetas y routers wireless e impresoras laser, todas ellas compatibles con la conocida distribución de GNU/Linux:
Ministry of Education from Brazil is buying 90,000 Debian GNU Linux
computers, with compatible wireless cards, wireless routers, laser
printers.At October 22nd, 2007, the Ministry of Education from Brazil executed a bidding, using its government virtual trading room, for the aquisition of 90 thousand computers with Debian GNU / Linux
4 pre-installed (item of the edictal) as well as wireless
cards, wireless routers, laser printers, all Debian GNU / Linux 4
compatible.All computers will be installed at 9000 brazilian schools.
The fully working Debian GNU / Linux 4 installed may be lightly
customized (pre-configurations and specified applications) for the
equipments, or an already customized Debian GNU / Linux available at
the Ministry site could be used .
Noticia completa en Techforce Brazil.
Leida en Linux Today.